How a traditional newsroom is staffed

newspaper hierarchy

A modern day newsroom is so different to the newsrooms of the past. Newspapers have become much larger, and much more complex, organisations. Also, each newspaper, based on its size and needs, deploys staff. It is therefore very difficult to draw a newsroom organogram.

The best one can say is that each newspaper will have a news gathering team, a news processing team and a senior group of editors who supervise the work.

The newsroom hierarchy chart has been made keeping this in mind. It broadly defines how a newsroom is organised. The designations, numbers and positions may change from newsroom to newsroom but broadly the hierarchy as given here will be the same.

About Sunil Saxena 335 Articles
Sunil Saxena is an award winning media professional with over four decades of experience in New Media, Social Media, Mobile Journalism, Print Journalism, Media Education and Research.

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